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HYDROTHERAPYGNI042016 Part 1HYDROTHERAPYGNI042016 Part 2HYDROTHERAPYGNI042016 Part 3 – by Abigail Francis and Roger Gross

What are those floaty things in your eye?

Ever see little things moving across your field of vision? The facts behind floaters (via TED-Ed):- Michael Mauser

The Eye is More than the Window to the Soul

A Possible Alternative to Antibiotics

A Possible Alternative to Antibiotics

Antibiotic resistance is an incredibly urgent and underestimated foe. There is currently a UK Longitude Prize of £10m up for grabs to anyone who can help solve this. Scientists from the University of Bern have developed a novel substance for the treatment of severe bacterial infections without antibiotics, which would prevent the development of antibiotic […]

University’s £1m study of eyeball link to Alzheimer’s

University’s £1m study of eyeball link to Alzheimer’s    27 October 2014 e study will investigate changes to veins and arteries in the eyeball ‘Major step’ towards Alzheimer’s test Brain research ‘needs new strategy’ Blood test ‘finds Alzheimer’s early’ Researchers at Dundee University are to lead a £1.1m study into whether eye tests can reveal […]

Good Proteins, Bad Proteins: The Amino Acids in Health and Disease

A few months ago, an interesting Danish study was published, showing that a “high-fat/high-sugar” diet would cause obesity to mice consuming chicken, cod, or crab as their main protein source. However, the group of mice eating scallop protein didn’t develop these problems at all. The researchers performed some statistical analyses, and suggested that the particularly […]

“Evidence suggests changes to veins and arteries in the eye could be linked to diseases including stroke and cardiovascular disease.”

“Evidence suggests changes to veins and arteries in the eye could be linked to diseases including stroke and cardiovascular disease.”

Can Vitamin C Cure Ebola?

This article may be reprinted free of charge provided 1) that there is clear attribution to the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, and 2) that both the OMNS free subscription link and also the OMNS archive link are included. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, August 20, 2014 Can Vitamin C Cure Ebola? […]